Thursday, 8 March 2012

Alone - T.R. Sullivan

This is the kind of story you think up in your head whilst sitting on the loo. Some dude in the States wakes up one morning and all is quiet. Turns out he appears to be alone in the world, everyone has disappeared. It plays out pretty much as expected but is still a good read, going through the process of losing day to day facilities. His faithful dog is the only other character but fortunately has more personality than the basketball from Castaway.
A great fight scene with the rats and I never really understood how the animals escaped from the nation’s zoos but the author clearly needed to have something to add a bit of danger. It meanders a bit towards the end, got the impression the author had finished with the excitement of the guy being alone and wanted to get the thing finished. Still I liked this one.

Thursday, 1 March 2012

Hostile Witness (The Witness Series,#1) by Rebecca Forster

Young girl who is clearly a bit of loony gets done for murdering her step-grandfather, who is some top judge in California. Her mum, also a bit of a mentalist, asks an old friend for help who happens to be a lawyer surprise surprise the lawyer has a big back story including getting a murderer off who then went on to kill her family...
Not a bad book really, the girl has similar personality traits as that dragoon tattoo bird. Some good twists but I thought the end got a bit weak.